Dead Island 2 finally shows its face again in new movie trailer

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Dead Island 2, after a development hell that would put most game delays to shame, is finally getting a new trailer at Gamescom 2022. The title will launch on February 3, 2023.

Contrary to its name, Dead Island 2 is set in Los Angeles and stars six playable characters. According to developer Deep Silver Dambuster Studios, it is an action RPG. The cinematic trailer follows one of the playable characters, Jacob, as he goes on a shopping trip through a devastated Beverly Hills.

Dambuster also showed some gameplay, showing several creative ways to kill zombies, including traps, melee weapons, and the traditional weapons. Players can customize their characters with a skill system.

Dead Island 2 launches on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia, and PC via Epic Games.

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