Search on Reddit is a bit broken right now

by Janice Allen

Search on Reddit is currently having some issues and has been going on for at least 12 hours, according to reports from some frustrated Reddit users.

The problem I’m having now is that doing a search while logged in returns no messages. For example, if I search “iPhone” in r/Apple while logged into Old Reddit, I expect a lot of posts about Apple’s smartphones. But instead I see a message saying “there doesn’t seem to be anything here”. When I search the app, I don’t see any messages either.

You’d think Reddit’s Apple community would have some posts about iPhones.
Screenshot of Jay Peters / The Verge

That said, searches aren’t completely broken. When searching for terms from reddit. com on Old Reddit I still see suggestions for some subreddits to join. When I search from the Home tab in the Reddit app on iOS, I can see results for comments, communities, and people. And if I search for something on Reddit while logged in outthe results do show individual messages.

But the issues mean that once you’re logged in, you can’t search for specific posts within subreddits. And it’s not just me: many users report similar problems, with one post on r/help from 12 hours ago received more than 30 responses. If you still want to search for individual messages, you can do so through a search on the Google site and unsubscribe one user how to do that.

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