Public Tech’s espresso shot is literally the cloud –

by Janice Allen

Hello and welcome back to Equitya podcast about the business of startups, where we uncover the numbers and nuance behind the headlines.

Last week we said to pay attention to the public markets, and we weren’t kidding. It’s been a massive week for revenue – with notes from everywhere, including the ad market and cloud spend. But this week’s Monday show was more than just another entry in the series – it was an experimental live show! Natasha joined Alex for fun, and this is what they got into:

  • Stocks up, crypto largely flat after a solid week of gains.
  • Will Alibaba scrap or not? That question is more important than just what happens to the uniquely Chinese tech giant. The question really belies a bigger question about the ability of Chinese tech companies to access foreign markets more broadly, places where capital can flow at a high clip. Given China’s economic troubles, cutting that particular liquidity pipe could be risky.
  • From there we went to Clearco layoffs, UiPath bought Re:infer and Oui’s first close of his new fund.
  • And then we closed with a dive into Big Tech earnings. The core? These companies are too big to summarize, and without the cloud they would struggle.

So what did you think? Do we have to go live again? Next time with Equity espresso cups that no one else can enjoy but us? Let us know, and don’t worry, the Equity team will be back on Wednesday with a smashing bootstrapping show.

Shares drop every Monday at 7am PDT and Wednesday and Friday at 6am PDT, so subscribe to us Apple Podcasts, Cloudy, Spotify aand all casts.

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