RCMP may be preserving evidence in the Jennifer Hillier-Penney murder investigation

by Janice Allen

Cotton gloves, a clean sheet and a pair of waders. CBC News has learned that the RCMP believes these cases may be of use as evidence in the Jennifer Hillier-Penney case.

According to court documents, a judge in Corner Brook has authorized police to hold evidence related to the missing lady’s estranged husband for an additional period of time.

“If they had something that could end this, it would have been done by now,” said eldest daughter Marina Goodyear. “I think the biggest mistakes were made in the beginning that we will never recover from. And I do believe they are just waiting for someone to crack and can’t keep the secret anymore and [are] playing the waiting game for that, you know?

Hillier-Penney, 38, was last seen at Dean Penney’s home on November 30, 2016, located on Husky Drive. Hillier-Penney was home with their youngest daughter while Penney went duck hunting in the Northwest Arm. The couple had just divorced and Hillier-Penney had moved in with her father. It is close to the airport and about 45 minutes from St. Anthony.

Penney, through his attorney, turned down an interview request for this piece. At the time of her disappearance in 2018, RCMP informed The Fifth Estate that they believed Hillier-Penney had disappeared at 8pm that night after arriving at Penney’s home. They think she was murdered. No suspect has ever been officially identified by the Mounties.

RCMP may be preserving evidence in the Jennifer Hillier-Penney murder investigation

What evidence does RCMP have?

In December, the RCMP filed affidavits with the Corner Brook Supreme Court, revealing further details about the physical evidence they had collected over the course of the past six years. The RCMP raided Penney’s home on December 7, 2016 (seven days after Hillier-Penney went missing), taking cotton swabs, pillowcases, and bedding.

In the last part of the same month, the RCMP targeted a car and cottage believed to be associated with Penney. The papers do not show what was taken from the cabin. On December 17, 2016, police searched a car and removed 131 cotton swabs, two hairs, waders, knitted mittens and three gloves.

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Similarly, the police only provide a number as a means of identifying other items they take. Copl. The RCMP’s Jolene Garland stated that the information obtained so far is helpful.

“Certainly the weight or importance it has, or the value it has today may be very different from what it may have tomorrow, depending on where the investigation goes for new developments in the case,” Garland said Tuesday.

After the RCMP waited a week to investigate Penney’s home, Goodyear said her ties with police were severed “depressing.”

Nevertheless, Garland assured the public that the RCMP would not stop trying to make an arrest. She said that although one of the detectives was there from the start, others have been brought in “for a new perspective to ensure that no evidence is left untested.” The case “will not be forgotten in our eyes”, Garland said.

“We certainly understand that six years is a long time and no one will ever understand what family and friends go through when processing the loss of someone where they have all these unanswered questions. The RCMP would love nothing more than to be able to answer these questions for the family and reassure them.”

After hearing that Goodyear was going to St. Anthony last summer, an RCMP officer called her. “I think they were hoping my presence in town would spark even more conversation because they wanted to let me know that the tip line was completely dead.” Goodyear said.

“No one calls about her anymore, which is very, very, very sad. But again, it’s understandable, because only the few responsible for it know the answers.”

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Garland stated that the RCMP had received suggestions over the past year, but could not offer a precise number. She also said the RCMP has reason to believe community members knew about the incident and they welcome and encourage anyone to come forward with information.

Last lines

A set of waders, a clean slate and some cotton gloves. That’s what the RCMP said CBC news that they consider these items as possible evidence in the Jennifer Hillier-Penney investigation.

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