In an effort to be unique, informative, and compelling, many companies end up with overly complicated and long-winded websites that may do more to drive customers away than to bring them in. When building an effective website, simplifying the content and design is often the most effective approach, giving visitors the space to find the answers to their problems.
But when you’re trying to make sure visitors have all the information they need to determine if your product or service is the best solution for them, you may not know where to start. Council for Young Entrepreneurs each offers advice they would give well-meaning business owners for simplifying their websites and why these tips are so effective.
1. Put search features front and center
If you run a product-based business, focus on the on-site search functionality of your website. By putting search at the center, your customer can be the driver to quickly find exactly what they are looking for. It is more important than whatever imagery you can provide or whatever verbiage you can put out. – Vanessa Norberg, Metal mafia
2. Focus on your target audience
The advice I would give a company to simplify their website is to focus on their target audience. Who are they trying to reach with their website? What does the customer want or want to know? How will the website serve and benefit them? Once they understand this clearly, they can ensure that the content on their website is relevant and aimed at meeting those needs or wants. – Sujay Pawar, CartFlows
3. Apply Storytelling Principles
We find that tech-savvy founders tend to think that detailed explanations of features will make the benefits of their product clear to the public; however, the opposite is often true. Our advice is always to apply good storytelling principles to any website story. Human psychology dictates that we best interpret things related to past experiences. By using similes, use cases, and metaphors, you can often convey benefits in fewer words and better reflect the actual experiences of the audience. As with any good story, it’s better to show, not tell, so using images and videos makes the benefits even more tangible and reduces the word count, making for a more seamless user experience. – Daria Gonzalez, Wonder Dogs
4. Eliminate Duplicate Content
Duplicate content is currently the biggest problem. You need to create a sitemap and see where you can merge content. Cut and edit to make the articles concise. It’s fine to have FAQs at the end of pages; those do very well for search ranking and readability. However, you need to clean up your website, especially if you have been blogging for years. You probably have duplicate content and competing pages. – Peter Boyd, PaperStreet web design
5. Plan around a single call to action
When designing a website and thinking about copy, clear your head and think about the a what you want your visitors to do when they visit your website. Create the website with that simple focus. Most companies want visitors to do multiple things such as read the blog, subscribe to the newsletter, learn about the product, reviews, the team, and more. This steals focus and readers usually lose interest from the start. Also, limit your website menu to five items or less. Too many choices can cause a decision paradox. Finally, don’t forget to run a usability test for your website before launching. Listen to the feedback on functionality, layout, content flow and design. Implement those changes to adapt to what users want and desire. – Brian David Crane, Spread great ideas
6. Consider keywords that stand out
Some brands communicate too much on their website because they feel some terminology is unfamiliar to their buyer. Others add additional text to explain technical features and information. The key to simplifying a website is prioritizing text that prospects can instantly appreciate and understand on key landing pages. That can generate more interest to dive deeper into the product and brand. With the right keyword focus you will attract more customers who are willing to read longer articles, infographics and e-books about your product or service. – Firas Kittaneh, Amerisleep mattress
7. Write about the main benefits of your product
Focus on the key benefits your product will bring to your potential customers. That’s just what they’re looking for. Ask yourself, if you are looking for a service for your business, what would you like to read? Can you describe your entire product in one sentence or two or three words? This should be your approach when writing your website content for your customers. Use clear language; your customers should be able to understand what you are saying without needing a dictionary. Use short sentences and paragraphs; long blocks of text are unpleasant and difficult to read. Be clear about what you offer; your customers need to know exactly what they are getting from you. Organizing information in a logical way is the art. – Kelly Richardson, Infobrandz
You can include as much content as you want, but it should be easy for visitors to find and digest. Navigation plays a vital role, so you need clear menus and breadcrumbs so people can move back and forth between pages. Don’t overwhelm readers with long pages. Break the contents into smaller pieces. Make sure the content is well organized and easy to understand. If you’re covering a technical topic, it should be understandable to a beginner, unless your primary audience is experts. You should also include essential information such as your contact number or signup form on every page. – Kalin Kassabov, ProText
Janice has been with businesskinda for 5 years, writing copy for client websites, blog posts, EDMs and other mediums to engage readers and encourage action. By collaborating with clients, our SEO manager and the wider businesskinda team, Janice seeks to understand an audience before creating memorable, persuasive copy.