The Edge 30 Fusion comes with upper mid-range specs, including a flagship previous-generation Qualcomm processor, the Snapdragon 888 Plus 5G. That will still be plenty powerful in 2023, especially with the 12GB RAM this particular variant comes with. There’s a 6.55-inch, 1080p OLED display with a top refresh rate of 144Hz, a stabilized 50-megapixel main camera, a 4,400mAh battery and fast 68W wired charging.
That’s all well and good for the upper limits of mid-range phones, but more importantly, a magenta phone! According to Motorola, the back panel has a “wonderfully soft vegan leather finish”. You probably don’t want to put a case on this one, and hopefully that textured back panel provides a little extra grip. Fashion and function. There is a very prominent Pantone logo on the back panel, which is an eyesore, but at least it will communicate to everyone around you that your phone is not mere magenta; it is Pantone-blessed magenta.
The Edge 30 Fusion has been available in parts of Europe and Latin America since September, but this is its debut in North America. It will be available from December 12, available as a $799 bundle with a pair of Moto Buds 600 ANC. Not to be left out, the included buds come in a special edition “Pantone 19-2118 Winetasting” color, which looks like… a weird maroon brown. You can also be a no fun nik and get the Edge 30 Fusion in lazuli blue – without buttons – for $699.
Janice has been with businesskinda for 5 years, writing copy for client websites, blog posts, EDMs and other mediums to engage readers and encourage action. By collaborating with clients, our SEO manager and the wider businesskinda team, Janice seeks to understand an audience before creating memorable, persuasive copy.