Comcast completes first live 10G connection in business trial

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Comcast announced the world’s first live, multigigabit symmetrical Internet connection powered by 10G and full duplex DOCSIS 4.0 – the technology behind cable modems.

The connection of one company in the Philadelphia area marks the start of a planned rollout of 10G networks in 2023. The goal is to eventually provide 10 gigabits per second of internet service for both downloading and uploading data. This is the kind of technology we need to help the metaverse deliver on its promise.

Comcast said 10G technology will revolutionize the availability of ultra-fast speeds by delivering multigigabit symmetric services over the connections already installed in hundreds of millions of homes around the world, without digging meters or installing new connections.

For the world’s first live trial, Comcast connected a corporate location in the Philadelphia area to its live network, including a DOCSIS 4.0-compliant 10G node and multiple cable modems to deliver high-speed data service to the location.


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Comcast engineers have tested symmetrical speeds over the connection and will continue to test 10G technologies over the coming months in preparation for offering 10G-capable services to customers in the second half of 2023.

“This live trial combines years of technology innovation and versatility to create a clear path to next-generation speed, reliability and performance for all homes in our footprint, not just a select few,” said Charlie Herrin, president of technology, product and experience at Comcast Cable, in a statement. “What excites us most about 10G technology is the ability to continue our longstanding commitment to delivering our best technologies to everyone we serve.”

This live trial is the culmination of Comcast’s advancements in 10G technology over the past 24 months, including several world firsts. The most recent took place in September when the organization completed a successful 10G amplifier test.

At the same time, the company announced the start of a nationwide rollout of multi-gig internet speeds — reaching more than 50 million homes and businesses before the end of 2025 — making it the largest and fastest multi-gig deployment ever in the United States.

“We kicked off this year by announcing our first world trial of 10G modem technology capable of delivering multi-gig speeds to homes and starting today, 10G is a reality with the potential to revolutionize the Internet as we know it. transform and evolve,” said Elad Nafshi, chief network officer at Comcast Cable, in a statement. “It has been an incredible year of progress and we look forward to further refining and enhancing our 10G technology as we work to make this service – and all of its incredible benefits – available to all customers in the years to come.”

The 10G evolution will lead to significant improvements in latency performance, delivering even better experiences for latency sensitive applications such as gaming, video conferencing and telehealth, while also unlocking the potential for a new generation of ultra-low latency connected experiences.

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