Found’s Swathy Prithivi and Atomic’s Jordan Kong on Live –

by Janice Allen

Swathy Prithivi started Found with the goal of improving the weight loss journey. The company soon discovered tremendous demand and quickly scaled its operations and expanded across the United States. The company’s story began in an Atomic incubator. In this episode of Livewe hear from Found’s co-founder and COO Swathy Prithivi and Atomic’s Jordan Kong about raising capital and scaling to meet demand.

We hope you can join the live event on Wednesday, August 10 at 12 noon PDT. Register here for free!

You can apply for TCL Pitch Exercise by completing this application. We select the startups 24 hours before delivery. If you’re selected for one event, you can also sign up for future events. We want companies to present more than once, using feedback from past experience. Live records are live every Wednesday at noon Pacific Daylight Time. Join the event here. It’s free and participants have the opportunity to ask guests questions, participate in Pitch Practice, and network with other attendees. The show will stream live on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, but only viewers on Grip will have access to the extra features.

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