Crypto Is In Miami — And 5 More Reasons Students Should Go •

If you’re a college or college-level student who believes the future of finance is crypto — or even if you’re just crypto-curious — grab a bag and head to Miami for TC Sessions: Crypto on November 17.

Why? Well, for starters, (of Disrupt and Startup Battlefield fame) brings its considerable talent to attract the best technology founders, CEOs, investors and unicorn makers to focus on the cryptoverse – blockchain, cryptocurrency, NFTs and web3.

In a classic, “but wait, there’s more” moment, here are five excellent reasons why you should buy a student pass to join and learn from the crypto community:

  1. You meet, engage and learn from the people who create and build in this rapidly changing industry. Hear about the latest trends, products and, yes, even controversies from our main-stage speakers and during the breakout sessions.
  2. Start mining to find a co-founder, a job or a mentor and start expanding your network. The contacts you make can lead you to your future financing.
  3. Explore more than a dozen budding startups on the show floor. See what products are coming to the market, and again, get started with networking.
  4. Face to face connection. Combine the two-year lack of in-person events with crypto’s core business taking place behind the scenes in front of a screen and, well, it’ll be great to see everyone. Meeting real people in real time leads to real inspiration.
  5. Your student pass costs just $49. Boom.

***Bonus reason: Miami…in november. Sweet!

TC Sessions: Crypto takes place in, ahem, Miami on Nov 17. Buy your $49 student pass and go. If the future of finance is crypto, you can’t afford to miss it.

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