The Lying Life of Adults, Netflix’s next Italian-language drama series, premieres Wednesday, January 4, 2023 at 3 a.m. ET. The story follows heroine Giovanna as she discovers her inner self as she explores the beautiful historic city of Naples. The drama stars Giordana Marengo in the lead role, as well as a slew of other performers in key supporting roles. Edoardo De Angelis is the director of The Lying Life of Adults.
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Giovanna embarks on a fascinating journey of self-discovery in Netflix’s The Lying Life of Adults.
On December 20, 2022, Netflix released the official trailer for The Lying Life of Adults, which gives a glimpse into heroine Giovanna’s interesting teenage life. It opens with a voiceover that beautifully sets the tone for the rest of the show:
“When you are small, everything seems huge. Everything seems small when you grow up.”
The teaser then shows several exciting sequences from the program without revealing important facts that could potentially ruin viewers’ viewing experience. Overall, the clip has a positive tone that fans of coming-of-age dramas will no doubt appreciate. Along with the teaser, Netflix released an official synopsis for the series, which reads:
“As a child, everything seems huge. When you grow up, everything seems small.” A sentence that sums up Giovanna’s story: “her transition from childhood, when every obstacle seemed insurmountable, to adulthood, revealing her family’s falsehoods while finding an unparalleled Naples.”
The summary continues:
“In 1990s Naples, outspoken and bold Aunt Vittoria takes her sheltered niece on a city tour, shocking the teen’s conservative parents.”
According to the story and teaser, viewers can expect a nostalgic and emotional journey back to the 1990s with several intriguing and different individuals. The music and visuals shown in the trailer reflect the iconic 1990s vibe. The series will supposedly contain six episodes, all of which will air on January 4, 2023.
Meet Valeria Golino and the rest of the cast.
Giovanna is played by Giordana Marengo. She seems extremely good at her job, as she represents her character’s various nuanced colors with breathtaking ease and confidence. Viewers can expect a strong performance from her on her debut. Valeria Golino, who plays Giovanna’s vivacious and brave Aunt Vittoria, stars alongside Marengo in another pivotal role. Golino looks fantastic in the series teaser, effortlessly embodying the elements that distinguish her character.
Alessandro Preziosi, Pina Turco, Adriano Pantaleo and many more round out the supporting cast. The Vice of Hope, Mozzarella Stories and many more movies are directed by Edoardo De Angelis. Don’t forget to watch The Lying Life of Adults on Netflix on January 4, 2023.
Janice has been with businesskinda for 5 years, writing copy for client websites, blog posts, EDMs and other mediums to engage readers and encourage action. By collaborating with clients, our SEO manager and the wider businesskinda team, Janice seeks to understand an audience before creating memorable, persuasive copy.