Sam Harris Just Revealed His Thoughts On Hunter Biden’s Laptop And Trump’s 2020 Re-election

Sam Harrisa philosopher, and the author have revealed some surprising findings about Hunter Biden’s laptop incident and Donald Trump’s re-election in 2020.

He said on the Triggernometry podcast:

“Hunter Biden might have had children’s bodies in his basement and I wouldn’t have cared.” There’s nothing, it’s Hunter Biden, not Joe Biden.”

He went on to say that even if Joe Biden was involved in an alleged corruption, the amount was “infinite” compared to the alleged corruption Trump was involved in. Harris continued:

“As big as Joe Biden’s crime is, we can just keep going down that rabbit hole and realize he’s collecting bribes from Hunter Biden’s company in Ukraine or elsewhere, right?” Or even China. It pales in comparison to the corruption we know Trump is working on.”

Harris further compared the two situations to “the firefly and the sun,” saying Trump University is “worse” than anything discovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop:

“It’s not even close to Trump University.” In my opinion, Trump University is a far worse scandal than anything on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

The philosopher went on to say that the ban on Hunder Biden’s laptop report in the New York Post was a “left-wing plot” to prevent Trump from being re-elected president. However, he claimed the action was “justified” and said:

“However, it is not aimed at those who claim, ‘It is still completely unfair not to have looked at the laptop in time and deleted the New York Post’s Twitter account.'” That is a leftist plot to Donald Trump to deny the presidency.” It sure was. But I believe it was right.”

Harris’s interview quickly went viral on social media, sparking controversy among internet users.

Twitter responds to Sam Harris’ comments about the Hunter Biden laptop scandal.

Hunter and Joe Biden made headlines around the world when The New York Post ran a story featuring emails from the former’s laptop. The alleged emails revealed that Joe and Hunter Biden were meeting with a CEO of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company. Following the article’s publication, The New York Post’s Twitter account was closed for seven days, escalating the debate. Since the incident, the topic has been a hotly debated topic on the Internet. More recently, Sam Harris’ take on the issue of Donald Trump’s 2020 reelection has revived the debate on social media. Several individuals flocked to Twitter to express their views on Harris’s interview.

Sam Harris

While some argued that Sam Harris’s comments made little sense, others agreed with his assessment of former US President Donald Trump. As the internet reaction to his views mounted, Harris took to Twitter to defend his words. He went on to say that he debated the “principle of self-defense” in the podcast. Sam Harris responded with a series of tweets explaining and defending his comments.

He also spoke out about Hunter Biden’s laptop incident, saying it was a “very difficult decision, morally and journalistically”. Sam Harris ended his post by claiming that nothing he said on the podcast “meaned that Democrats would have had the right to commit election fraud or use other illegal actions to strip Trump of the presidency.” He also said he did not believe Democrats supported such a move.

Everything you need to know about Sam Harris

Sam Harris is a United States philosopher, author, and podcaster. He was born on April 9, 1967 in Los Angeles, the son of TV writer and producer Susan Harris and actor Berkeley Harris. In 2000 he received his bachelor of arts in philosophy from Stanford University and in 2009 he received his Ph.D. in cognitive neuroscience from the University of California. According to his official profile, Harris has also been practicing meditation for over 30 years under the tutelage of various Tibetan, Indian, Burmese and Western masters. After the attacks of September 11, 2001, he started his first book, The End of Faith.

The book was released in 2004 and spent 33 weeks on The New York Times bestseller list. It also received the 2005 PEN Award for Non-Fiction. Sam Harris’s other New York Times bestsellers include Letter to a Christian Nation, The Moral Landscape, Free Will, Lying, Waking Up, and Islam and the Future of Tolerance. In addition to his novels, Harris has written for newspapers such as The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The London Times, The Economist, The Boston Globe and The Atlantic.

Sam Harris

Most of Harris’s work focuses on philosophy, neuroscience and religious criticism. In his writing, he has also addressed issues of ethics, free will, rationality, politics, AI, terrorism, meditation, and psychedelics. Sam Harris is known as a religious critic. Along with Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Daniel Dennett, he has been called one of the “Four Horsemen of the New Atheism.” Harris also hosts the famous Making Sense podcast (formerly Waking Up) and is the creator of the Waking Up with Sam Harris meditation app. He is said to be one of the alleged founding members of the ‘Intellectual Dark Web’.