Michigan Priest “Who Temporarily Died” Claims He Saw Demons Torture People With Rihanna Music In Hell

Rihanna could have a peak year in 2023 with a halftime show at the Super Bowl and a new album release. So it is not surprising that the Barbadian singer is remembered by so many. For example, a Michigan priest named Gerald Johnson recently used the social media platform TikTok to tell the account of the time in 2016 when he had a heart attack and briefly “died” but then “came back to life” during what he claims to have seen hell.

“My spirit left my physical body”, he explained in the now-viral TikTok video. “I thought I was going up because I thought I had done so much good in this life and helped so many people, and made so many decisions that were divine decisions. But instead of going up, I went down. I literally went to the center of the earth. There is hell.”

Johnson said what he saw in hell “I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy” add, “The things I saw were indescribable and it makes me emotional every time I talk about it.” He also added that he saw a man “Walk on all fours like a dog and get burned from head to toe. His eyes bulged and worse than that, he wore chains around his neck. He was like a hellhound. There was a demon holding the chains.”

“Like telepathic communication, I knew that the demon was sent into this man’s life to ride him from childhood to death,” Johnson continued. Well, Johnson kept remembering how demons tortured humanity in hell to the tunes of RiRi’s “Umbrella” and Bobby McFerrin’s “Do not worry, be happy.”

“It just blew me away,” said the priest. “Every lyrics of every song is to torment you [for] the fact that you did not worship God through music when you were on Earth… you chose to worship Satan by repeating the lyrics that inspired him to come to Earth.” Johnson concluded that he “came back to earth” after being “raised from hell.” (According to reports from bet. com)

You can also click on the following links to read some related articles:

Michigan Priest Who Temporarily Died Claims He Saw Demons Torturing People With Rihanna Music In Hell
Michigan Priest Who Temporarily Died Claims He Saw Demons Torturing People With Rihanna Music In Hell

Naturally, the priest’s confessions sparked heated debate on social media; below we have listed how people reacted to this via tweet:

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