The value of digital credentials versus training programs

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Pre-pandemic trends have shown S&P organizations are losing prestige to new disruptive competitors in the market, making it difficult to do business in the same way for long periods of time. Disruption is here to stay. It will be a challenge for employees to adapt faster than ever to new processes and techniques in order to remain relevant. Lifelong learning is not just an achievable personal aspiration, but a requirement of the working world.

In 2022, the median tenure for salaried workers is just 4.1 years. When you combine an employee’s tenure with the average tenure of an S&P 500 company on the list, which narrows down to just 12 years, it’s clear that the same experts and expertise your company relies on today probably won’t be there tomorrow. to be.

To stay on top, great organizations will innovate to conquer the market, while acquiring new skills to execute in the next market. Designing and delivering great workouts is a coveted core competency.

Related: 5 innovative ways to create growth opportunities for your employees

Resist change

Getting comfortable with the discomfort of change is a core competency that managers and employees should also embrace. Our natural tendency is not to change, even when we know that changing our behavior will have lasting positive effects. A few of the most common fears and anxieties associated with change Involving:

  • Lose control

  • Removal of safety and security

  • Colleagues no longer see you as the expert

  • Afraid of the extra effort to learn something new

Our experiences shape our beliefs. For managers responsible for change initiatives, there are two levels of belief to focus on:

  1. Everyone is wary of change. Changes in the past have undoubtedly been painful for every employee, both at work and in their personal lives. Whatever happens, there will be an existing level of resistance among your team.

  2. Success or failure in the first change initiative you manage will shape important beliefs for the second change initiative. Successful teams will thrive through successive change initiatives and build the belief that they can tackle any change together.

Related: 3 keys to successful change management

Drive business results with digital credentials

Digital references provide a verifiable means of honoring individual skill acquisition and measuring both the organization and the market in change. In recent years, an employee’s journey through prescribed training has been owned and kept secret in the employer’s learning management system. Ownership of acquired skills is valuable for both organizations and individuals. Skills are fashionable and have real market value. Matters such as statistical process control, Lean/Six Sigma, account-based marketing, value selling, scrum and servant leadership are not only owned by the organization, but also by the employee.

For business leaders, using digital credentials to track internal competency levels and/or market penetration of your brand skills training offers exceptional value:

  • Third-party technician certification gives customers confidence in hiring service providers and increases the marketing reach of a brand name.

  • Certify contractors gives employers the flexibility to commit 1099 talent to a brand while managing the ebb and flow of business.

  • Certify employees for future skills that are in high demand provides motivation for employees to stay on as they master new skills. They become interested in recruiting new potential employees who also appreciate professional development opportunities from employers.

  • Certify employees based on the skills required today motivates employees to increase their value to the organization and embrace change head-on.

Related: What business leaders can offer to retain and develop employees

Digital references are an HR hiring manager’s best friend

As organizations see employee employment decline, it is easy to believe that many stakeholders will still view training as a cost. The alternative view is that training, regardless of which organization provided it, is valuable. By using a digital reference strategy, an organization can track not only course completion, but also internal and external skills trends.

Look no further than the tremendous value HR hiring managers derive from digital references. Unlike past resumes, stakeholders can see when, where, and how a person acquired new skills with just a few clicks. Using platforms such as Pearson’s Credly gives hiring managers a searchable database of individuals with key skills. Earners who have added or shared their digital credentials on LinkedIn provide a transparent view of verifiable skills.

Digital credentials, especially when linked to professional development or industry certification, can show a person’s growth in a shorter period of time than a degree. In addition, when stacked over time, they may very well indicate that a person is comfortable adjusting to changes in general. As businesses face the need to innovate at a faster pace, why shouldn’t candidates who demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning, are comfortable with change, and are willing to invest in themselves, provide the greatest organizational value?