Navigating allergy season in the workplace

by Janice Allen

Roei Friedberg is Vice President Public Sector & B2G Sales at Molecule.

About 50 million people in the United States suffer from allergies, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The consequences are greater than sneezing in the spring – allergies are responsible for it four million missed workdays, and the annual cost of nasal allergies is estimated to be $3 billion to $4 billion. Allergies can cause workers to experience fatigue, poor concentration and more time away from work.

Allergy seasons are getting longer and have a greater impact on people’s health, largely due to climate change. Research from the University of Utah in 2021 found that “pollen seasons start 20 days earlier, are 10 days longer and 21% more pollen than in 1990.” How can employers help their people stay healthy and feel better during allergy season?

Based on my experience in the air purification industry, here are some tips and strategies you can use to deal with allergies in the workplace.

1. Inform employees about allergies.

Many people may not fully understand what allergies are or how they can affect the body. As an employer, you can help by providing educational materials about allergies, their symptoms and how to manage them. These can be posters, brochures and wellness sessions. By encouraging employees to learn more about allergies, they can take a more active role in managing their symptoms.

2. Identify common workplace allergens.

Different workplaces may contain different allergens that affect workers, depending on your region and industry. Some of the most common workplace allergens include dust mites, mold, pet dander, and pollen.

As an employer, it is important to recognize and identify the presence of allergens in your workplace and take steps to minimize their impact. This includes regular cleaning, air purification systems and good ventilation. There are also plenty of smart technologies available that can provide insightful updates and alerts about allergy-related airborne pollutants in an office environment. By using technology to detect and control allergens, you can quickly detect and remove the infected air.

3. Offer flexible work arrangements.

For some workers, allergies may be more severe at certain times of the year or during certain weather conditions. Offering flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or modified schedules, can help these workers better manage their allergies when they flare up. Many employees will feel more comfortable working in their own environment during allergy season.

4. Provide allergy-friendly facilities.

Providing amenities such as air purifiers, hypoallergenic cleaning supplies, and allergy-friendly snacks can help employees manage their allergies in the workplace. In addition to encouraging employees to keep their workspace free of dust and mold, providing air purifiers can be an effective solution to reduce allergens and pollutants in the office air. Smart air purifiers with advanced filtration technology can remove the vast majority of allergens, pollutants and viruses from the air, creating a healthier and safer environment for employees. (Full disclosure: My company offers air purification solutions just like others.) Using hypoallergenic cleaning products can also safely and effectively remove common allergens such as dust mites, pollen, and pet dander from surfaces, preventing workers with allergies from being exposed to unnecessary triggers.

Allergies are having a greater impact on people than ever before. To keep employees feeling well and symptom-free, employers need to prioritize their health and wellness, not just during allergy season, but every day of the year. By creating an allergy-friendly work environment, you can ensure that your employees are healthy, happy and productive. Business Council is the premier growth and networking organization for entrepreneurs and leaders. Am I eligible?

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