How to take back control of your time with video

by Janice Allen

Opinions expressed by contributors are their own.

As an, I doubt any of us start thinking, “I want to start my own business so I can work 16 hours a day, seven days a week for years until it’s finally profitable enough to take some time off.” out and enjoy life.” But honestly, that’s what most entrepreneurs do. In fact, for many entrepreneurs, that 24/7 grind is never ends! We try to build something, but along the way we lose our most important asset: control of our time.

Build a business is doing takes a lot of time and energy. But if we build it smart and use our time effective, we regain control of our time, even while building it. In building my two businesses, I’ve found that the most important key to using my time effectively and unlocking time freedom—the ultimate freedom—is using video.

Related: How to Take Back Control of Your Time

Videos are one and done

Some of my new students are worried that videos will take up too much time, and they’re already swamped. Yes, it takes time to make good videos (although it goes faster the more you do it). But once you create a video, it can be used repeatedly.

For example, I filmed my ad presentation when I was active in real estate. Before listing appointments, I would send that video to potential clients. When we met in person, I didn’t waste my time going through basic information. I spent my time more effectively addressing their specific concerns and questions. I literally saved thousands of hours with that one video. And it took me less than an hour to make!

Video builds a relationship

Video creates a relationship (called a parasocial relationship) between you and the viewer. Think of the newscaster you watch every night or the guy in the State Farm Insurance ad. Don’t you feel like you know them even though you’ve never met them?

The personal touch is still essential in any company. People want to connect and video makes them feel connected to you, especially if they see a lot of your videos. They see and hear you and get an idea of ​​who you are. They feel like they know you, even if you’ve never met in person. They start to like and trust you and want to do business with you.

Video takes you to multiple places at once

With videos, whether for customer service or marketing your product, “you” can be in more than one place at once. While the physical you leads a team meeting, the “video you” can show customers how to get the most out of your product. At the same time, the ‘video you’ can also share valuable knowledge about your industry to attract new customers or wish someone a happy birthday. You don’t have to drive yourself crazy trying to be everywhere you want to be. The video has you covered.

Related: 5 reasons why your business won’t survive the recession without this crucial tool

Videos work 24/7

Videos work for you while you’re having breakfast, exercising, and even sleeping! Instead of working 24/7 yourself, you can market your videos for you, answer questions or share the latest information about your industry.

My leads and community can spend hours watching my videos while I’m on a date with my husband or working on my next book. They can pull in all the information their heart desires without ever speaking directly to me. I don’t have to be available in the evenings or on weekends because my videos are available to me.

Related: 5 tips for explaining a business to the masses with video

Video honors your customer’s time

You don’t want to show up at your customer’s kitchen table in the middle of the night (and they probably don’t want to either). But with video, they can watch and listen to you whenever they want. They can be in their pajamas or standing at the register and still have access to you and your knowledge. They don’t have to interrupt their day to get the information they want or need from you. They don’t have to work around your business hours to get many of their questions answered or the insights they need.

Video is far-reaching

How many people can you talk to and connect with in a month? Even if you give huge presentations to hundreds of people, how many of them can you book each month? You can get tens of thousands of views if you make a good video and distribute it properly (which means not only hiding the video on your website, but also posting it on social media platforms). You can reach people who want to do business with you that you otherwise would never have met.

What are you going to do with your time?

When you make the switch to use video across your business, you get your time back. The fun question is: what are you going to do with that time? Are you going to write a book? Build another business? Want to spend more time with family and friends? I’ve done all that.

Before I understood and used the power of video, my life revolved around catching up. I did everything, but often at the expense of my personal life and health. I saw a limit to how far I could go with my business because I still had too many places to be and people to connect with, even if I brought in a support team. Video has changed all that, and now my businesses have grown far beyond the limits I’ve seen in the past.

So if you want your time back even as you build your business, learn to harness the incredible power of video.

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