How To Get Better Results With These 4 Marketing Strategies

Conventional marketing wisdom holds that customers will flock to a company’s doorsteps when it advertises its products and services. But as any marketer will quickly notice, it’s not always enough to make people aware of what a company has to offer. Getting attention and getting your name out there is often just one step toward achieving your marketing goals.

And with marketing budgets falling, executives and their teams must prove their dollars are being spent well. Achieving tangible results that contribute to the success of the company is part of the game. Therefore, many marketers wonder how to get better results and what marketing strategies will deliver them. Consider these four marketing strategies to get better results.

1. Lean on influencers

Traditional marketing strategies place ads that can target specific audiences. However, these posts compete with every other ad in the same space and can sound gimmicky. Conventional advertising usually follows a formula and the public can see that it is a company honking its own horn. Those precious marketing dollars are more likely to be wasted when people reject or turn off the message.

On the other hand, strategies where growth marketing look for more personalized ways to reach an audience. One such method is using influencers to promote your products and services. Instead of you saying how great your company and its offerings are, someone your ideal consumer trusts will do it instead. In this way, there is a greater chance that your target group will listen and experience the message as authentic or as advice.

Collaborating with influencers who share the same space or embody characteristics that resonate with your brand’s values ​​can be fruitful. Influencer marketing helps you stand out and gives consumers a compelling reason to try your products. Make it easy for your chosen influencers to share your information and give them an incentive.

2. Optimize content for local SEO

Most content marketing teams know that they need to do keyword research to optimize web pages and blogs for search engines. General keyword research looks for short and long tail words and phrases that match what an audience is likely to search for. For example, an organic baking company might create blog posts with search terms related to “healthy cake ingredients.”

While general keyword research can and will yield results, sometimes marketers ignore optimizing content for local searches. A local search is when someone enters terms like “organic pies near me” or “where to buy healthy pies in Chicago.” By including keywords targeting local searches in online content, you can capture the attention of relevant audiences.

Research shows that 70% of consumers who look for solutions and companies online do so with local intentions. They are looking for products and services that alleviate their pain points. But more importantly, these consumers want to get these offers from companies in their local region. They tend to trust and feel more emotionally attached to businesses that share a local identity. If you don’t tailor online content to target audiences nearby, you’re disregarding these preferences.

3. Use testimonials and case studies

Customer testimonials and case studies are similar to influencer marketing. You let someone else sing your praises and promote your brand. However, with this strategy, it is people who represent your customer base. They are loyal for a reason and are also willing to use their voice to become brand ambassadors for your company.

Testimonials can be commercial-length online reviews or videos you create with customers talking about their experiences. Written comments from surveys, focus groups, or interviews are additional sources for testimonials. As long as customers give permission to use their comments, you can include them on your website or in testimonial campaigns.

Case studies usually include more in-depth videos or written content. These lengthy testimonials detail a customer’s pain points and how your company resolved them in detail. Case studies and customer testimonials are effective because people are drawn to authentic stories. Potential customers will relate to and believe in others who look and sound like them, as opposed to a sales pitch from a lifeless company.

4. Send personalized emails

Successful marketing strategies do more than raise awareness and generate leads. Growth marketing, in particular, is finding ways to leverage the entire buyer journey and personalize customer experiences. To get results, companies can’t stop with lead conversions. Businesses need to engage existing customers and give them reasons to keep buying or upgrading to the next level of service.

Loyalty programs and rewards are typical tactics that companies use to retain existing customers and encourage them to buy more. But sending generic emails or showing generic content in a mobile app to current customers may fail. It’s great to know there’s a buy get one free deal on iced lattes. However, people who are single may experience this message as tone deaf. Who do they share the second drink with? This consumer segment may be of little use for two coffees at once.

You can avoid these potential accidents by using customer data. Send personalized emails to your different audience segments that take into account their unique lifestyle and buying behavior. Personalization includes promotions that are more likely to target specific consumers. Test a deal on larger versions of the lattes they’ve often bought in the past. You can also offer bonus points for buying their favorites three times a week instead of once.

Get results

More than ever, marketing leaders and teams are under pressure to deliver. While conventional strategies can work, they are usually not enough to drive long-term sales growth. Marketing strategies, such as using influencers and personalized emails, amplify the potential of traditional messaging. These strategies can improve the results and ROI of the marketing budget by focusing on the voice of the customer.