3 Ways to Boost Your LinkedIn Marketing Today for Tomorrow’s Growth

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LinkedIn is “the place to be” for online professional networking. But why is that? Why do more than 830 million business professionals from more than 200 countries use the platform?

There’s no easy answer, but there are a few fundamental reasons to use a LinkedIn marketing campaign: to grow your professional network, to identify high-quality leads, to drive targeted traffic to your website, and to create thought leadership. share content.

Knowing why you should use LinkedIn is a good start, but it is. A generic approach probably won’t yield the results you’re looking for. You need to boost your marketing efforts on LinkedIn, and here are three of the best ways to do it.

Related: 7 Ways You Can Use LinkedIn to Blow Up Your Brand

Ask your team for help

You can make a lot of noise on LinkedIn as a single person, but there’s no reason to stop there. Ask your team to join. As your brand’s most reputable and trusted advocates, they can increase your reach in just a few minutes a day.

Make sure all employees have updated their profiles to reflect their position at your company. Request that they follow your business page. Encourage them to share personal and branded updates. And of course, support them in their quest to provide value to their audience.

Another idea is to create a LinkedIn group related to your industry. This is a win win. It’s a place for your team to share news, guidance, and advice with interested parties, while also building an audience that you can use to your advantage in the future.

Resources permitting, hire a dedicated employee or contractor to manage your LinkedIn marketing strategy. With a single focus, this person can make a bigger impact in a shorter amount of time. It’s not required, but keep it on your radar.

Related: 8 Tips to Help You Grow Your Business on LinkedIn

Consistently publish relevant, insightful content

A social network with that many users will undoubtedly generate a lot of low-quality content, but you don’t want to be part of this group. Be part of the group that consistently publishes relevant, insightful and actionable content. That’s how you stand out from the crowd.

Creating compelling content is a trial and error process. It takes time to identify your audience’s needs and find a cadence that works for you, so don’t jump off the boat too soon. It can take days, weeks, or even months to reach your content-related goals for the first time.

Increase your chance of success by:

  • Share content consistently (1x/day, 2x/day, 5x/week, etc.).
  • Publish unique (not rehashed) insights
  • Keep track of what works and what doesn’t and adjust accordingly

Also keep in mind that publishing original content is only one piece of the puzzle. It’s good practice to engage with your audience in the comment section of their posts. Share your thoughts, answer questions and – if applicable – send direct messages to continue the conversation privately.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew at the beginning. Start slowly to gain a foothold and better understand your audience’s wants and needs. As you settle in, ramp up content production without sacrificing quality. A slow and steady ascent is the best approach.

Related: Navigating the Big Reshuffle: Why Your Employer Brand Is Key When Hiring Talent

Get serious with analytics for your content

This one word – analysis – can be the difference between success and failure on LinkedIn. Creating content is just the beginning. Knowing what resonates with your audience is what really matters. This allows you to continuously adjust your strategy with the aim of reaching a larger audience and increasing engagement.

You can view analytics for all types of LinkedIn content, including short posts, articles, videos, images, polls, and events. This includes data such as:

  • Involvement
  • Discovery
  • Impressions by demographics
  • Item performance
  • Video Performance

These insights are necessary to understand the impact your content is having on your audience. You’ll soon have the data you need to determine what type of content gets the best response. You can then create more content that matches what has worked so far.

While it’s important to take analytics for your LinkedIn content seriously, don’t let it cloud your vision. Know what matters most to you, such as making industry connections or generating leads, and create content that points you in that direction. Vanity metrics will make you feel good, but they don’t always have the intended impact on your bottom line.

Related: The Underrated Power of LinkedIn Content Creation

Reuse your LinkedIn content

The above guidelines will help you boost your LinkedIn marketing, but it can do more than that. It’s a great starting point for growth on other platforms and channels that marketing professionals will use to their advantage.

Examples include reusing the content for publishing on Twitter and Facebook, using it as a base for blog content, or sharing it with your email list via a weekly newsletter. When you reuse content, you give it a new lease of life. And with that, you take the necessary steps to establish your authority and grow your brand on other platforms.